MUSIC for...
We live in a super fast world. We receive a lot of information. We are always running around, working, moving, and trying to achieve different things. In this process we lose what is most important to us and to those we love.
It’s time to STOP, to slow down, to live longer, to breathe and to feel alive and enjoy the moment.
This is why the RELAXTITUDE Project was created!
This is your time to calm down and meditate, your time to relax and relieve stress, your time to evaluate your life and what is important in it and put your priorities in order.
That is why the RELAXTITUDE Project was “composed”!
This is the time for you to RECHARGE YOUR LIFE!
to become or cause someone to become calm and comfortable, and not worried or nervous, or to become or cause a muscle or the body to become less tight
the way you feel about something or someone, or a particular feeling or opinion
Moises Maciel is a composer and pianist who believes in the power of music to change emotions and perspectives.
It’s not just about music, but also about the moment when you become different; the moment when your heart and mind transform you into a complete and whole person.
Every chord, melody and musical progression will take you from one state to another. Through construction and musical narrative our feelings can be changed!
The RELAXTITUDE Project is Maciel’s way of making the world STOP, stop to listen, listen to your desires and hopes, listen to what is important and slow down to go further and further in life.
That’s what the power of music can do!